Growth Quest 
Affordable Business Solutions

About Us


Sandy Davidson LISW-CP, CMC


Sandy is a Certified Mentor Coach and an experienced business consultnat.  She served nearly three years as a Business Consultnat with the Charleston Area Small Business Development Center.  She completed coach training with MentorCoach (, an International Coach Federation accredited coach training program.  As a licensed clinical social worker she has successfully established a thriving behavioral health care center.  She worked as a mental health clinic director and a graduate level educator for many years.  In coaching she has worked with the Greater Topeka Chamber of Commerce, the Kansas Small Business Development Center, and the City of Topeka.  She has helped many  individual clients start or grow their business.  Sandy is a former  FastTrac facilitator and administrator and thus affiliated with the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation (  Sandy especially enjoys working with smart, enterprising, positive thinking people to start, grow, and establish thriving business entities.  To learn more about Sandy Davidson Click Here.

Deb Payne, Lighthouse Coaching

An experienced educator, Deb  taught entrepreneurship for over 20 years at the high school and college level.  The business feasibility study, business plan, and marketing plan are her areas of specialty.  Herself a successful entrepreneur,  she regularly assists businesses of all types both in her independent coaching practice and through her work with the Washburn University Small Business Development Center.  Deb has taugnt Entrepreneurship at several universities.  She is well versed in the Enneagram and uses it to help her clients face their most important challenges.  Deb is also a trained and experienced business coach with the FastTrac program and affiliated with the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. 

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